Centro de Investigación e Innovación   en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones
Centro de Investigación e Innovación   en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones

Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones

Papers publicados

  1. Guillermo Zeballos Amable, Jaime Felipe Vela, Design topologies optimization in GPON networks based on population densities using k-means clustering algorithm. 2019 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP).
  2. Irvin Dongo, Richard Chbeir. S-RDF: A New RDF Serialization Format for Better Storage Without Losing Human Readability. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences, Oct 2019, Rhodes, Greece. pp.246-264, 10.1007/978-3-030-33246-4_16 . hal-02390598
  3. Dongo, Irvin & Cardinale, Yudith & Aguilera, Ana. (2019). Credibility Analysis for Available Information Sources on the Web: A Review and a Contribution. 116-125. 10.1109/ICSRS48664.2019.8987623.
  4. A. Q. Carletto and J. Santisteban, «Shallow Window Reduction for Congestion Control Under TCP,» 2019 UNSA International Symposium on Communications (UNSA ISCOMM), Arequipa, Peru, 2019, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/UNSAISC.2019.8712828.
  5. Larrabeiti, D., Fernandez-Del-Carpio, G., Otero, G., & Ruiz-Piñar, J. (2017, July). Design factors in multicast service delivery using the optical layer in core and metro networks. In Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2017 19th International Conference on(pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  6. Fernández-Del-Carpio, Gonzalo, David Larrabeiti, and Manuel Urueña. “Forwarding of multicast packets with hybrid methods based on Bloom filters and shared trees in MPLS networks.” High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2017 IEEE 18th International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
  7. Zúñiga, Eduardo Correa, and Alex Cartagena Gordillo. “Designing a complementary system of authentication base on galvanic body communication.” ANDESCON, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016.
  8. Flores, Milagros Apaza, and Julio Santisteban. “Complete cone symmetric temporary NAT.” Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON), 2016 IEEE XXIII International Congress on. IEEE, 2016.
  9. Santisteban, Julio, and Danet Delgado-Castillo. “Comparing Topics in CS Syllabus with Topics in CS Research.” Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. ACM, 2016.
  10. Velez, Fernando J., Daniel Robalo, and Jessica Acevedo Flores. “LTE radio and network planning: Basic coverage and interference constraints.” Communications (LATINCOM), 2015 7th IEEE Latin-American Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
  11. Martínez-Aguilar, Roberto B., and Gonzalo M. Fernández. “Implementation of stateless routing mechanisms for multicast traffic on NETFPGA card.” Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 2015 IEEE Colombian Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
  12. Aranzaens, Ximena L., and Julio Santisteban. “GPS Assistance taximeter suited to the characteristics Of a City.” (2015)
  13. Talavera C., Santisteban J. “Design of network infrastructure of a cloud data center for use in health sector”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2015).
  14. Fernández G.M., Larrabeiti D. “Depth-wise multi-protocol stateless switching of multicast traffic”. 2012 IEEE Latin-America Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2012 – Conference Proceedings.
  15. Valdivia N.C.L., Fernández G.M. “2-STCg optical multicast traffic grooming node for the fishbone-like Peruvian WDM core network”. 2011 2nd National Conference on Telecommunications, CONATEL 2011 – Proceedings.
  1. Santos-Valdivia, P. Castillo-Araníbar, D. Segovia-Vargas and A. García-Lampérez, «Omnidirectional Triple-Band Printed Dipole Antenna Based on a Dual Frequency SRRs,». 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting Atlanta, Georgia – U.S.A.
  2. Alana Nuñez Flores, Patricia Castillo Araníbar, Alejandro García Lampérez, Daniel Segovia Vargas.’’Design and Implementation of a Submersible Split Ring Resonator Based Sensor for Pisco Concentration Measurements’’.IEEE Latin American Microwave Conference. Diciembre 2018.
  3. Ebert San Roman Castillo, Elizabeth Fernandez Aranzamendi, Patricia Castillo Aranibar, Daniel Segovia Vargas ‘’Metamaterial Inspired Multiband Planar Array to Detect Glyphosate  in Water by Real-Time Electromagnetic Wave Sensor’’. IEEE Latin American Microwave Conference, Diciembre 2018.
  4. Alexis Herrera Angulo, Efrain Zenteno Bolaños ‘’A low cost microwave system for pedestrian speed estimation¨. IEEE Latin American Microwave Conference, Diciembre 2018.
  5. Guillermo Rafael Valdivia Microwave transistor model including electronic movility prediction. IEEE Latin American Microwave Conference. Diciembre 2018.
  6. Paredes Choque, Alexander, and Efrain Zenteno Bolanos. «Woven Antennas Fabrication: Conductive Linen and Conductive Cloth Technologies Comparisons.» IEEE XXV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). IEEE, Octubre 2018.
  7. Khan, Zain Ahmed, et al. “Multitene design for third order MIMO volterra kernels.” Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2017IEEE MTT-S International. IEEE, 2017.
  8. Apaza-Mamani, Victor, and Efrain Zenteno-Bolaños. “High-Speed audio communications in domestic power line channels.” Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON), 2017 IEEE XXIV International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
  9. Pareja-Contreras, Josue, Manuel Sotomayor-Polar, and Efrain Zenteno-Bolanos. “Beamforming echo-localization system using multitone excitation signals.” Instrumentation Systems, Circuits and Transducers (INSCIT), 2017 2nd International Symposium on. IEEE, 2017.
  10. Rafael-Valdivia, Guillermo, Hernán Ruelas-Galdós, and Ricardo Salinas-Roque. “Methodology for modeling and implementation of RF power amplifiers.” Microwave Conference (LAMC), IEEE MTT-S Latin America. IEEE, 2016.
  11. Rosas-Bermejo, Esther N., Guillermo Rafael-Valdivia, and Ronald Paucar-Curasma. “Analysis of sound propagation for outdoor emergency speaker networks.” ANDESCON, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016.
  12. Rafael-Valdivia, G., et al. “Nonlinear device model for GaN and GaAs microwave transistors including memory effects.” Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2015 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International. IEEE, 2015.
  13. Rafael-Valdivia G., Su Z., Urquizo A., Mendoza T. “Modeling the frequency dispersion phenomena in GaN and GaAs devices for broadband data communication”. 2014 IEEE Latin-America Conference on Communications, IEEE LATINCOM 2014.
  14. Rodriguez-Postigo P., Castillo-Aranibar P. “Design and simulation of triplexer for mobile communications using trisection resonators filters”. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) (2013).
  15. Castillo-Aranibar P., Rodriguez-Postigo P., Garcia-Lamperez A., Segovia-Vargas D. “Compact triplexer with open ring resonators as microstrip trisection bandpass filters for asymmetric response”. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Proceedings (2013).
  16. Ormeño C.K.T., Alvarez M.M.M., Zevallos J.J.C., Javashvili O. “Design of an array based on an antipodal balanced Vivaldi antenna”. CONIELECOMP 2012 – 22nd International Conference on Electronics Communications and Computing.
  17. Castillo-Araníbar P.R., García-Lampérez A., Segovia-Vargas D., Salazar-Palma M., Barbin S. “Multiple split-ring resonators for tri-band filter with asymmetric response”. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Proceedings (2011).
  18. Araníbar P.C., García-Lampérez A., Segovia-Vargas D., Salazar-Palma M. “Design of a compact diplexer for multisystem das solutions”. 2011 2nd National Conference on Telecommunications, CONATEL 2011 – Proceedings.
  1. Hilario-Tacuri, «A Closed-Form Spectral Analysis of GFDM in Underwater Robust voice activity detection algorithm using spectrum estimation and dynamic thresholdingCommunication Systems,» 2019 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Salvador, Brazil, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/LATINCOM48065.2019.8937919.
  2. Jimmy Ludeña Choez, Rudy Sanchez Suarez, Juan Choquehuanca Zeballo ‘Fredy Huaman Mamani. Denis Mayta Ponce. ‘’A method based on RF spectral features for evaluating the porosity degree in ceramic materials’’. IEEE Latin American Microwave Conference”. Diciembre 2018.
  3. Heydi Murgia, Alex Cartagena Gordillo ‘’EBPSK-Based Quadrature Ultra Narrow Band Modulation System’’. IEEE Latin American Microwave Conference, Diciembre 2018.
  4. Juan J. Choquehuanca-Zevallos; F.A. Huamán-Mamani; D.L. Mayta-Ponce ; Jimmy Ludeña-Choez «An alternative method based on RF to classify porous ceramic materials.» International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA). IEEE, Mayo 2018.
  5. Quispe J.N.S., Gordillo A.C. “Implementation of an energy harvesting system by piezoelectric elements exploiting the human footsteps”. 2017 IEEE URUCON, URUCON 2017.
  6. Charaja, A. X. M., & Gordillo, A. Cartagena (2016, October). “Pulse design for reducing intercarrier interference in FBMC”. In ANDESCON, 2016 IEEE(pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  7. Arenas, Giancarlo Murillo, and Alex Cartagena Gordillo. “Design and implementation of a body coupled communication system for streaming music.” ANDESCON, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016.
  8. Sánchez-Mora, Katty, María A. Zuñiga-Gutierrez, and Efraín Mayhua-López. “A nonlinear model to estimate nitrogen level in agricultural soil using Gaussian kernels.” ANDESCON, 2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016.
  9. Postigo-Malaga, M., Supo-Colquehuanca, E., Matta-Hernandez, J., Pari, L., & Mayhua-López, E., Vehicle location system and monitoring as a tool for citizen safety using wireless sensor network. In ANDESCON, 2016 IEEE(pp. 1-4). IEEE. 2016.
  10. Velazco-Paredes Y., Flores-Quispe R., Patiño Escarcina R.E. “Region-based image retrieval using color and texture features on irregular regions of interest”. 2015 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing, COLCOM 2015 – Conference Proceedings.
  11. Ludeña-Choez J., Gallardo-Antolín A. “NMF-based spectral analysis for acoustic event classification tasks”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (2013).
  12. Ludeña-Choez J., Gallardo-Antolín A. “NMF-based temporal feature integration for acoustic event classification”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH (2013).
  13. Zenteno E., Sotomayor M. “Robust voice activity detection algorithm using spectrum estimation and dynamic thresholding”. 2009 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM ’09 – Conference Proceedings.
  1. Maria A Cornejo Lupa, Regina P Ticona-Herrera, Yudith Cardinale, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar. “A categorization of simultaneous localization and mapping knowledge for mobile robots”. Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (2020).
  2. G. M. Chávez and L. C. E. C. Díaz, «Work in Progress: Design and implementation of a didactic module with manual interface, PLC interface and PC serial interface for teaching process control techniques,» 2019 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE), Lima, Peru, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EDUNINE.2019.8875832.
  3. Luís BP Nascimento, Daniel S Morais, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar, Vitor G Santos, Diego S Pereira, Pablo J Alsina, Adelardo AD Medeiros. “A Multi-Robot Path Planning Approach Based on Probabilistic Foam”. 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2019 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE).
  4. Vitor G Santos, Lu?s BP Nascimento, Diego S Pereira, Daniel HS, Fernandes, Pablo J Alsina, Adelardo AM Medeiros, Márcio V Araújo, Raquel E Patino-Escarcina, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar. “Detecção e modelagem de rampas para órteses ativas usando uma câmera RGB-D”. Anais do 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (2019).
  5. Lu?s BP Nascimento, Vitor G Santos, Diego S Pereira, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar, Raquel E Patino-Escarcina, Daniel S Morais, Victor CA Pimentel, Pablo J Alsina. “Uma Abordagem Baseada em Algoritmo Genético para a Suavizaçao de Caminhos para Espuma Probabil?stica”. Anais do 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (2019).
  6. Lu?s BP Nascimento, Vitor G Santos, Diego S Pereira, Daniel HS Fernandes, William C Ribeiro, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar, Raquel E Patino-Escarcina, Pablo J Alsina, Joelson C Rocha Júnior. “Planejamento de Caminho Seguro com Espuma Probabil?stica para um Robô Móvel”. Anais do 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (2019).
  7. Claudia Cervantes-Jilaja, Liz Bernedo-Flores, Elizabeth Morales-Muñoz, Raquel E Patiño-Escarcina, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar, Roger Ripas-Mamani, Hernán Humberto Álvarez Valera. “Optimal Selection and Identification of Defects in Chestnuts Processing, through Computer Vision, Taking Advantage of its Inherent Characteristics”. 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA).
  8. E. Patiño-Escarcina, D. Barrios-Aranibar, L. S. Bernedo-Flores, P. Javier Alsina and L. M. Garcia Gonçalves, «EDUROSC-Kids: An Educational Robotics Standard Curriculum for Kids,» 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2019 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE), Rio Grande, Brazil, 2019, pp. 471-476, doi: 10.1109/LARS-SBR-WRE48964.2019.00089.
  9. Sucapuca-Diaz, M. A. Cornejo-Lupa, M. Tejada-Bejazo and D. Barrios-Aranibar, «Local Coordination Diagrams for Collision Avoidance in Multi-Robot Path Planning,» 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2019 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE), Rio Grande, Brazil, 2019, pp. 335-340, doi: 10.1109/LARS-SBR-WRE48964.2019.00065.
  10. Morales-Muñoz, C. Cervantes-Jilaja, D. Barrios-Aranibar and R. E. Patiño-Escarcina, «An Approach for Representing Maps in SLAM Based on Grid Maps and Sparse Matrices,» 2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2019 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE), Rio Grande, Brazil, 2019, pp. 126-131, doi: 10.1109/LARS-SBR-WRE48964.2019.00030.
  11. Tejada, Ernesto Palo, Victoria Campos Falcon, and Eber Huanca Cayo. «Design and implementation of a low cost particulate material transducer.» IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). IEEE, Junio 2018.
  12. Cayo, Eber Huanca, Ernesto Palo Tejada, and Victoria Campos Falcon. “Identification of PV system model for simulation of MPPT controllers.” Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON), 2017 IEEE XXIV International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
  13. Eber H. Cayo, Josue P. Contreras, Patricio R. Arapa. «Design and implementation of a geomagnetic field simulator for small satellites.» 3rd IAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop. Mayo 2018.
  14. Gonzales R.A., Gaona F.A., Peralta R.R. “An autonomous robot based on a Wheelchair”. CONIELECOMP 2012 – 22nd International Conference on Electronics Communications and Computing.


  1. Mauricio Fernandez Del Carpio G., Larrabeiti Lopez D. “Depth-wise multi-protocol stateless switching of multicast traffic”. IEEE Latin America Transactions (2013).
  1. Castillo-Araníbar, A. Garca-Lampérez, S. Llorente-Romano and D. Segovia-Vargas, «Dual-band band-stop microstrip filter with controllable bands based on unequal split ring resonators,» in IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 2119-2128, 2 10 2019, doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2018.5926.
  2. E Garci?a-Mun?oz et al 2019, “Photonic-based integrated sources and antenna arrays for broadband wireless links in terahertz communications” Sci. Technol. 34 054001.
  3. Castillo-Araníbar P., García-Lampérez A., Segovia-Vargas D. “Omnidirectional compact dual-band antenna based on dual-frequency unequal split ring resonators for WLAN and WiMAX applications”. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (2018).
  4. Khan, Z.A., Zenteno, E., Handel, P., Isaksson, M. “Extraction of the Third-Order 3×3 MIMO Volterra Kernel Outputs Using Multitone Signals”. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (2018).
  5. Zenteno, Efrain, and Daniel Rönnow. “MIMO subband Volterra digital predistortion for concurrent aggregated carrier communications.” IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques3 (2017): 967-979.
  6. Khan, Zain Ahmed, et al. “Digital predistortion for joint mitigation of I/Q imbalance and MIMO power amplifier distortion.” IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques1 (2017): 322-333.
  7. Zenteno-Bolaños, Efrain, Magnus Isaksson, and Peter Händel. “Pilot tone aided measurements to extend the bandwidth of radio frequency ” Measurement90 (2016): 534-541.
  8. Zenteno, Efrain, et al. “Using intrinsic integer periodicity to decompose the Volterra structure in multi-channel RF transmitters.” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters4 (2016): 297-299.
  9. Sotomayor Polar M.G., Heckler M.V.T., Dreher A. “Fast analysis of cylindrical microstrip lines printed on substrates composed of multiple layers”. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (2010).
  1. Ludeña-Choez J., Choquehuanca-Zevallos J.J., Mayhua-López E. “Sensor nodes fault detection for agricultural wireless sensor networks based on NMF”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2018).
  2. Ludeña-Choez, Jimmy, Raisa Quispe-Soncco, and Ascensión Gallardo-Antolín. “Bird sound spectrogram decomposition through Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for the acoustic classification of bird species.” PloS one 6 (2017): e0179403.
  3. Ludeña-Choez J., Gallardo-Antolín A. “Acoustic Event Classification using spectral band selection and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization-based features”. Expert Systems with Applications (2016).
  4. Mayhua-López, Efraín, Vanessa Gómez-Verdejo, and Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal. “A new boosting design of Support Vector Machine classifiers.” Information Fusion 25 (2015): 63-71.
  5. Ludeña-Choez, Jimmy, and Ascensión Gallardo-Antolín. “Feature extraction based on the high-pass filtering of audio signals for Acoustic Event Classification.” Computer Speech & Language (2015): 32-42.
  6. Mayhua-Lopez E., Gomez-Verdejo V., Figueiras-Vidal A.R. “Real adaboost with gate controlled fusion”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2012).
  1. Luís BP Nascimento, Dennis Barrios-Aranibar, Pablo J Alsina, Vitor G Santos, Daniel HS Fernandes, Diego S Pereira. “A Smooth and Safe Path Planning for an Active Lower Limb Exoskeleton”. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (2020).
  2. Eber Huanca Cayo ; Reginaldo Duarte ; Thiago Da Silva “Low cost yaw controller for CubeSat oriented to education and entertainment” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE).

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