Call for Papers
The LARS multiconference aims at promoting a comprehensive scientific meeting in the area of Robotics, bringing together researchers,
undergraduate and graduate students of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and related areas.
This multiconference, which is part of the Latin American Robotics Thrends also covering Robotics Competitions (LARC) besides the scientific event, will be through technical sessions, including oral presentation of full papers, technical lectures of recognized importance in the area, tutorials, and also will happen three workshops: of educational robotics (WRE), of undergraduate works (WUWR) and of graduate works (WGWR). We are looking forward to seeing you in LARS 2013.
TOPICS OF INTEREST (but not limited to):
- Deadline for Registration papers to LARS 2013: Jun 26th
- Deadline for submitting papers to LARS 2013: Jun 28th
- Notification of acceptance: August 4th
Tutorials deadlines
- Tutorials and short course proposals submission: May 24th
- Notification of acceptance: June 7thWorkshops deadlines
- Workshops papers submission: June 28th
- Notification of acceptance: July 26th
- Final Version: August 9th
Robotic Competition
- Teams pre-registration: June 26, 2012
- Deadline for sending the TDPs (Team Description Paper): August 23rd
- Deadline for teams early registration (reduced price): August 2nd
- Deadline for teams registration: September 20th
The event
- LARS Papers Presentations: October 22nd to-23th
- Tutorials Presentations: October 21st to 22th
- Workshop of Educational Robotics: October 21th to 24th
- Competition Warm-up: October 21-22th
- Robotic Competition: October 23th to 25th