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Short Course 1: “Construccion de Robots por material reciclable”

Tutor: John Carlos Quispe Chambi

Short Course 2: “Robótica Industrial”

Tutor: Dr. Teodiano Freire Bastos

The benefits of using robots in industries are numerous: increasing productivity, better and consistency in the final quality of products (minimizing the need of additional operations), less demand for specialized workers, which are difficult to find, very accurate processes, easiness to use, operations in hard and dangerous environments and in repetitive or unpleasant task for human being, and ability to work for long time.

However, robots are very expensive to use in large scales. Therefore, normally they are used in some parts of a process in order to have a partial solution. Some industries use robots for “pick and place” objects, manipulation, welding, cutting, painting, etc. Automotive industries are the main customers for robots because the number of tasks they can perform is high. The index of automation of such industries can reach 90% with some tasks completely carried out by robots.

This mini-course will show details of robots used in industries (with different configurations, sensors, actuators, control systems and end-effectors).

Short Course 3: “Robotica en Sala de Aula: Explorando novos temas”

Tutor: Mg. Sarah Thomaz
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Se pretende abordar a la Robotica Educativa no como tradicionalmente se hace, sino de forma que pueda incentivar a los alumnos a desarrollar capacidades de concentración y desarrollo de problemas en diversas área como Biologia, Geografia, Comunicación. Se mostrará cómo hacer planes de aula de forma práctica así como también de como evaluar el aprendizaje de los alumnos.

Short Course 4: “Mobile Robots Modeling and Control”

Tutor: Dr. Antonio Moran
President: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Peru Section

Autonomous mobile robots are widely used and applied in several fields such as industry, logistics, healthand so on, to accomplish diverse transportation tasks in complex environments. For designing efficient and smart mobile robots it is important to understand their dynamics as well as the different strategies for controlling their motion.

The tutorial presents the modeling of car-like mobile robots and trailer-type articulated mobile robots for low and high speed motions. The model is afterwards used for designing controllers for the robot autonomous motion to achieve desired positions or follow desired trajectories. Several control strategies based on feedback linearization, fuzzy logic and fuzzy-neutral networks are analyzed and compared.