Call for Workshop of Theses and Dissertations
Awards - Theses and Dissertations
1st Place PhD Category
Text Recognition and 2D/3D Object Tracking
Rodrigo Minetto, Neucimar J. Leite, Jorge Stolfi, Nicolas Thome and Matthieu Cord
2nd Place PhD Category
Semi-automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Images
Jefersson Alex dos Santos, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Alexandre Xavier Falcão, Philippe-Henri Gosselin and Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet
1st Place M.Sc. Category
SAR Image Despeckling Algorithms using Stochastic Distances and Nonlocal Means
Leonardo Torres and Alejandro C. Frery
2nd Place M.Sc. Category
Robust Model for Vehicle Type Identification in Video Traffic Surveillance
Rensso V. H. Mora Colque and Guillermo Cámara-Chávez
Accepted WTD Papers
Multidimensional Projection Applied to Textual Search Results Visualization
Erick Gomez-Nieto (UCSP), Luis Gustavo Nonato (ICMC-USP)
Detection of Thin and Ramified Structures in Images using Markov Random Fields and Perceptual Information
Talita Perciano (USP), Roberto Hirata Jr. (USP), Roberto Cesar Jr. (IME-USP)
Semi-automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Images
Jefersson dos Santos (UNICAMP), Alexandre Falcao (UNICAMP), Ricardo Torres (UNICAMP), Philippe-Henri Gosselin (ENSEA), Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet (ETIS)
Image and Video Representations based on Visual Dictionaries
Otavio Penatti (UNICAMP), Ricardo Torres (UNICAMP), Eduardo Valle (UNICAMP)
Computer Vision Methods Applicable to Forensic Science
Fernanda Andaló (UNICAMP), Siome Goldenstein (UNICAMP)
Automatic Alignment and Reconstruction of Facial Depth Images
Giancarlo Nascimento (UFF), Leandro Fernandes (UFF)
Robust Model for Vehicle Type Identification in Video Traffic Surveillance
Rensso Victor Hugo Mora Colque (UFOP), Guillermo Camara-Chavez (UFOP)
Text Recognition and 2D/3D Object Tracking
Rodrigo Minetto (UNICAMP)
Fractal Descriptors Applied to Texture Analysis
Joao Florindo (IFSC-USP), Odemir Bruno (IFSC-USP)
Texture Descriptors and Pattern Recognition Classifiers based Analysis of White Matter Hyperintensity in MR Images
Mariana Bento (UNICAMP), Leticia Rittner (UNICAMP), Roberto Lotufo (UNICAMP)
QR Code Detection in Arbitrarily Acquired Images
Luiz Belussi (USP), Nina Hirata (USP)
On The Development of a Robust, Fast and Lightweight Keypoint Descriptor
Erickson Nascimento (UFMG), Mario Fernando Campos (UFMG)
Extended Bag-of-Words Formalism for Image Classification
Sandra Avila (UFMG), Nicolas Thome (LIP6-UPMC), Matthieu Cord (LIP6-UPMC), Eduardo Valle (UNICAMP), Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo (UFMG)
Land Cover Detection Using Temporal Features Based On Polar Representation
Thales Sehn Korting (INPE), Gilberto Camara (INPE), Leila Fonseca (INPE)
Interaction with Public Displays Using a Natural User Interface Based on an Extended Version of Kinect SDK
Thiago Motta (UFRGS), Luciana Nedel (UFRGS)
Extraction of Tubular Network From 3D Angiography Using Hough Transform
Maysa Macedo (USP), Marcel Jackowski (IME-USP)
Computational Techniques to support Visual Image Classification
Jose Paiva (UFU), Rosane Minghim (ICMC-USP)
Spatial Density Patterns as Representation for Point Cloud Comparison and Applications
Antonio Wilson Vieira (UNIMONTES), Mario Fernando Campos (UFMG)
SAR Image Despeckling Algorithms using Stochastic Distances and Nonlocal Means
Leonardo Torres (INPE), Alejandro Frery (UFAL)
Evolutive Algorithms Applied To The Straight Line Segment Classifier
Rosario A. Medina Rodríguez (USP), Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto (USP)
A Study on the Role of Similarity Measures in Visual Text Analytics
Frizzi San Roman Salazar (UCSP), Rosane Minghim (ICMC-USP), Maria Cristina de Oliveira (ICMC-USP)
Posters Preparation
Posters should be prepared using an area of 90cm x 120 cm at maximum and in a portrait orientation. The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended. It is not necessary to include the poster in the JEMS system. The authors may follow the SIBGRAPI 2013 poster template in PowerPoint or Corel Draw formats.
Call for Workshop of Theses and Dissertations
The Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD) aims to motivate discussions about the graduate-level research on topics covered by SIBGRAPI among graduate students, recently graduated students, and senior researchers.
Researchers who have recently concluded their graduate studies are cordially invited to submit a paper to the SIBGRAPI WTD. Graduate works in progress are welcome for submission to the Workshop of Works in Progress (WIP), which will be accepting 4-pages papers in 2013.
Accepted works will be presented in poster sessions and published in the SIBGRAPI electronic proceedings (with ISSN), provided that at least one of the authors is registered to the event.
Technical Program Committee and Reviewers
- Arnaldo de Albuquerque (UFMG)
- Neucimar Jerônimo Leite (UNICAMP)
- Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonçalves (UFRN)
- Paulo Vechiatto de Miranda (USP)
- Nilceu Marana (UNESP)
- Claudio Rosito Jung (UFRGS)
- Afonso Paiva Neto (USP)
- Carla Dal Sasso Freitas (UFRGS)
- Ricardo Marroquim (UFRJ)
- Dimas Martinez (UFAL)
- João Paulo Gois (UFABC)
- Fábio Dias (UNICAMP)
- Francisco Pinto (UFRGS)
- Gianna Araújo (UFRN)
- Guillermo Camara-Chavez (UFOP)
- Paulo Engel (UFRGS)
- Rafael Beserra Gomes (UFRN)
- Renato Gardiman (UFRN)
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: April 25th, 2013 April 29th, 2013 May 4th, 2013
- Notification of acceptance: May 25th, 2013
- Camera ready due date: June 15th, 2013 June 25th, 2013
Who can submit?
Students who defended their M.Sc or Ph.D. after 01/01/2012 and did not present their final work at previous editions of the SIBGRAPI WTD.
Selection criteria
The WTD program committee will evaluate the submitted works with respect to the following criteria: originality, technical quality, contribution to the research area, and clarity of presentation.
Best work awards
A number of awards for the best Ph.D. and M.Sc. works will be given based on the selected work grades and on the opinion of a small committee that will evaluate the poster presentations during the event. In order to participate of the contest for the best work awards, the paper must be written in English.
Instruction to the authors
Submissions related to M.Sc. work may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English, using the IEEE Latex file format. However, we strongly recommend paper submission in English. Submissions related to Ph.D. work must be written in English using the IEEE Latex file format. The text should follow the SIBGRAPI formatting guidelines, but with the following adjustments:
- The names of the authors should not be omitted, disregarding the requirement of anonymity for the articles. In particular, students must appear as the first author and the advisor as the last author, with eventual co-advisors and other collaborators in the middle.
- Texts in Portuguese or Spanish (only M.Sc. work) should include, besides the abstract in Portuguese or Spanish, also an abstract in English.
- The articles are limited to 6 – double-column pages.
- Abstracts should contain no more than 200 words.
- The words in the title must be initiated by capital letters.
- The text should indicate, by a footnote on the first page, whether the work relates to a M.Sc. dissertation or a Ph.D. thesis.
- The papers should be submitted through the JEMS system. Please go to the submission instruction page for further information.
- Alexandre Xavier Falcão (IC-UNICAMP)
- Fernando Paulovich (ICMC-USP)