Workshop of Works in Progress


Accepted WIP Papers

A Local Alignment Based Sign Language Recognition System 
Beatriz Teodoro,Luciano Digiampietri

Intensity SAR Image Denoising with Stochastic Distances Using Non-Local Means Filter 
Pedro Penna, Nelson D. A. Mascarenhas

Using Visualization Technology to Detect and Prevent Attacks in Cloud Computing 
Huiming Yu

Análise do Uso do Sinal de ECG em Baixas Frequências como Biometria 
Eduardo José da Silva Luz,David Menotti,William Schwartz

Aceleração de Um Algoritmo de Sumarização de Vídeos com Processadores Gráficos (GPU) 
Suellen Almeida,Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo,Guillermo Camara-Chavez,David Menotti

Using PQR-trees for reducing edge crossings in layered directed acyclic graphs 
Celmar Guimarães da Silva,João Rubens Marchete Filho

Feature Extraction and Interactive Visualization to Assist Green Algae Taxonomic Classification 
Vinicius Pereira Borges,Maria Cristina de Oliveira,Thaís Silva,Armando Vieira

A Markerless Augmented Reality Approach Based on Real-Time 3D Reconstruction using Kinect 
Márcio Macedo,Antonio Apolinário Jr.,Antonio Carlos Souza

Face Sketch-Photo Recognition 
Marco Antonio Silva,Guillermo Chávez

A proposal of a multi-view environment for markerless augmented reality 
Caio Almeida,Antonio Apolinário Jr.

Desenvolvimento de um framework para uso do Wiimote como dispositivo de interações em ambientes tridimensionais aplicado a um laboratório virtual de Física 
Roberto Scalco,Wu Shin-Ting

Pedestrian Detection Optimization Based on Random Filtering 
Victor Hugo de Melo,Samir Leao,William Schwartz

Indirect Eye Gaze Estimation based on Depth Information 
Tomás Corrêa, Mario Fernando Campos, William Schwartz, Erickson Nascimento

Exemplar-based Terrain Synthesis 
Leandro Cruz,Francisco Ganacim, Djalma Lúcio, Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo

Matching Expressions by using Structural Belief Propagation: First Results 
Alexandre Noma, Frank Julca Aguilar, Nina Hirata

Preliminary Studies on Vascular Network Quantification in Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Images 
Leandro Ticlia De La Cruz, Nina Hirata

Análise de Multirresolução baseada em Polinômio Potência de Sigmóide - Wavelet 
Andre Pilastri, Daniel Zuniga Vielmas, João Fernando Marar

Deriving Mass-Spring Systems from Dynamic NURBS Approach 
Josildo Silva, Antonio Apolinário Jr., Gilson Giraldi

Produto interno de polinômios característicos entre tensores: uma abordagem para segmentação de imagens de tensores de difusão 
David Conceição, Marcel Jackowski

Analysis of Supraorbital Margins in human skull for characterization of sexual dimorphism 
Silvia Dias Pinto, Roberto Cesar Jr., Petra Urbanová

Simulando Multidões no Parque Tecnológico da PUCRS 
Estevao Testa, Soraia Musse, Rodrigo Ramos, Cristiano Martins, Vinícius Cassol, Anderson Silva 



Posters Preparation

Posters should be prepared using an area of 90cm x 120 cm at maximum and in a portrait orientation. The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended. It is not necessary to include the poster in the JEMS system. The authors may follow the SIBGRAPI 2013 poster template in PowerPoint or Corel Draw formats.


Authors are invited to submit works in progress in all areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision. Works in progress are four-page original, unpublished contributions that describe ongoing research, sketches, extended abstracts of development projects or other technical information of potential interest to the SIBGRAPI public. 




Accepted works will be included in the digital format of the Conference Proceedings.



Submission and Formatting Guidelines

Authors are required to submit fully formatted four-page papers, with graphs, images, and other special areas arranged as intended for final publication in electronic format (only PDF files will be accepted) through the online JEMS system. Submissions need to be written in Portuguese, Spanish or in English. However, submission in English is strongly encouraged since the workshop proceedings containing the accepted papers will be published in the SIBGRAPI Electronic Proceedings (with ISSN). Texts in Portuguese and Spanish should also include, before the abstract in Portuguese, or Spanish, an abstract written in English.

The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of its authors will register for the workshop to present it. The research article can be written by an individual student or by a team of students, however, in both cases, should have an advisor as one of the co-authors responsible for the research. 



The Review Process

Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three referees, based on its originality, relevance, technical soundness and clarity of presentation. Papers must be no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and references. All submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must comply with the IEEE 2-column SIBGRAPI 2013 conference format for full papers.



Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: April 28, 2013  May 10, 2013 May 17, 2013 (Brazil GMT-3 time, Perú GMT-5 time)
  • Notification of Acceptance: May 29, 2013 June 14, 2013 June 24, 2013
  • Camera Ready Due: June 17, 2013 June 30, 2013




Please, if you have any enquiries about this CFP, directly contact the WIP/SIBGRAPI 2013 Co-Chairs:


Alejandro Frery, (UFAL, Brazil)
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Soraia Raupp Musse (PUCRS, Brazil)
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Saturday the 20th. XXVI SIBGRAPI CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS PATTERNS AND IMAGES | Campus Campiña Paisajista s/n Quinta Vivanco, Arequipa | Telf: +51 54 605630, +51 54 605600