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Past Events

Number of articles submitted and accepted in the last edition of the event (if applicable)

The LARS of 2012 had 89 papers submitted and 56 accepted papers (acceptance rate 62%).

Number of participants in last year’s event.

There were about 1,200 participants in the latest issue of IEEE LARC / LARS, including the event as a whole (and part science competitions). Only the LARS (scientific part), were about 120 participants.
In this number, join the participants of the Workshop on Educational Robotics (about 40), which also aims to hold together this year, and the workshops of work students graduate and undergraduate (20 more students). Thus, the scientific event only (excluding competitions), there were about 180 to 200 participants.

Past Events

SBR2012 e LARC2012 - Brasília – DF

SBR2011 - São João del-Rei – MG

LARC2010 e CBR2010 - São Bernardo do Campo  – SP

CBR2009 - Brasília – DF

LARC2008 e CBR2008 - Salvador- BA

CBR2007 - Florianópolis – SC

CBR2006 - Campo Grande – MS

LARC2005 e CBR2005 - São Luis – MA

CBR2004 - Salvador – BA

LARC2003 - Bauru – SP